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  • Pieter Cronje

"Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" Pieter Cronje Art 2018

Updated: Jun 12, 2019

During September 2009 I facilitated a workshop on human rights for law enforcement officials in Kokopo, New Brittany in Papua New Guinea. I had childhood dreams to see birds of paradise and many other exotic species. I dreamed of walking in the rain forest and watching different tribes with their colourful face paintings and head dresses. I was shocked to see how the rain forests were destroyed by logging companies and to make way for Palm Plantations (Copra plantations as they are locally called). I also realized how people are selling their culture and forests for Western materialism. Looking the other way to greed and destruction of the natural habitat. International corporations make millions and locals crave for jeans, cell phones and other 20th century trinkets. In the process thousands of species are wiped off the face of the earth. #SavetheForests #rainforest #PieterCronjeArt #PNG #Papua

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